
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mat Cincang...

Mat Cincang... gunung (bukit..??) kedua tertinggi di Langkawi. Ketinggiannya 760 meter lebih. Kereta kabel kat sini la... tapi aku tak suka naik kereta kabel... tak menarik... Aku lebih suka mendaki...

Mendaki..?? Ramai yang tak sanggup... dan kalau tak sihat tubuh badan, jangan la cuba-cuba... Takut-takut nanti jadi masalah lain pula.. kesian orang yang nak datang membantu... Aku kena dah... Masa nak mendaki seronok, tapi masa nak turun... macam-macam masalah berlaku...

Puncak mana yang nak didaki...?? Puncak ni tak ada kereta cable... dan jaraknya lebih kurang 2 km dari kereta kabel tu. Nak mendaki bermula dari Telaga Tujuh.. terus ke Kem Saintis.. lebih kurang 1km.. Pendakian yang ni aku sebut "spirit walk"... sebab kalau tak mampu lepas yang ini.. memang tak layak nak mendaki lagi...

Selepas itu dari Kem Saintis ke Kem Tok Ayah lebih kurang 1.5 km.. Zon pendakian ini aku gelar "free and easy" sebab mendatar.. adala naik sikit-sikit... pemandangan indah... ada sungai-sungai kecil... pendek kata air tak jadi masalah la...

Zon ketiga dari Kem Tok Ayah ke Puncak Telaga Tujuh... yang ni aku sebut "skywalker" sebab mendaki dengan tali... mendongak jer.... nampak langit... kalau tak pakai sarung tangan.. mau melepuh tapak tangan....

Zon Keempat ialah "twilight zone"... kenapa..?? sebab curam dan mendaki jer.. panjat batu-batu.. silap teknik.... maut..!!! so.... ini lah zone pendakian yang paling bahaya dan paling kena berhati-hati..

Bila dah sampai di atas... tak ada apa pun... pokok-pokok kecil saja... panas lagi... Cuma ada penanda puncak gunung saja.. itu pun dah pudar... Jadi.. sebab apa yang suka panjat sangat...?? Ini lah sebabnya..

Machinchang Formation :Early to Late Cambrian

The Machinchang Formation is the oldest rock formation in Langkawi Island and in Malaysia, after the Machinchang Mountains in the northwest of Langkawi Island. The Late Cambrian age for the upper part of the formation was interpreted from the presence of the country's oldest fossil fauna of brachiopod and trilobites from Pulau Jemuruk. The Machinchang Formation is predominantly made of fine- to medium-grained sandstone with subordinate coarse-grained sandstone, conglomerate and shale accumulating a total thickness of up to 2830m. The Machinchang sandstone was interpreted as a deltaic deposit, deltaic to shallow marine deposit and fluvial to deltaic and open marine deposit. The formation is probably equivalent to the Tarutao Formation of South Thailand and is overlain conformably by the Setul Formation at Teluk Kubang Badak.

Langkawi possesses rich geodiversity in terms of rocks, minerals, fossils, geological structures, geomorphological and landscape features, with heritage value of national and regional significant. Geoheritage of Langkawi mostly occurred within rocky coasts, cliffs, peaks and waterfalls as well as in caves. Some highly significant exposures have been classified as geoheritage sites, containing one or more geodiversities of high heritage value. There are more than 90 geoheritage sites identified throughout the Langkawi Geopark, some of which have been proposed into the National Geological Heritage Lists. Despite of its rich geodiversity, Langkawi Geopark will only highlight two major geological attractions, that are: complete Palaeozoic geological records, incorporating oldest rocks and fossils in the region, best preserved sedimentary structures and fossils, best sedimentological and palaeontological evidences for affiliation with Gondwanaland. Most beautiful island karst landscape in the region featuring unique hills, ridges, islands and pinnacles, beautiful caves, tunnels and arches and the magnificent rare mangrove association with limestone bedrock.