Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Salam semua....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011
Water drops..

Karnival Geopark

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Mat Cincang...
Machinchang Formation :Early to Late Cambrian
The Machinchang Formation is the oldest rock formation in Langkawi Island and in Malaysia, after the Machinchang Mountains in the northwest of Langkawi Island. The Late Cambrian age for the upper part of the formation was interpreted from the presence of the country's oldest fossil fauna of brachiopod and trilobites from Pulau Jemuruk. The Machinchang Formation is predominantly made of fine- to medium-grained sandstone with subordinate coarse-grained sandstone, conglomerate and shale accumulating a total thickness of up to 2830m. The Machinchang sandstone was interpreted as a deltaic deposit, deltaic to shallow marine deposit and fluvial to deltaic and open marine deposit. The formation is probably equivalent to the Tarutao Formation of South Thailand and is overlain conformably by the Setul Formation at Teluk Kubang Badak.
Langkawi possesses rich geodiversity in terms of rocks, minerals, fossils, geological structures, geomorphological and landscape features, with heritage value of national and regional significant. Geoheritage of Langkawi mostly occurred within rocky coasts, cliffs, peaks and waterfalls as well as in caves. Some highly significant exposures have been classified as geoheritage sites, containing one or more geodiversities of high heritage value. There are more than 90 geoheritage sites identified throughout the Langkawi Geopark, some of which have been proposed into the National Geological Heritage Lists. Despite of its rich geodiversity, Langkawi Geopark will only highlight two major geological attractions, that are: complete Palaeozoic geological records, incorporating oldest rocks and fossils in the region, best preserved sedimentary structures and fossils, best sedimentological and palaeontological evidences for affiliation with Gondwanaland. Most beautiful island karst landscape in the region featuring unique hills, ridges, islands and pinnacles, beautiful caves, tunnels and arches and the magnificent rare mangrove association with limestone bedrock.

Beronok... bronok....

Pagi.... Jeti Point

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Kilim Karst Geoforest Park...
The Kilim Karst Geoforest Park in the eastern part of the main Langkawi Island features magnificently formed landscape of nearly vertical to subrounded limestone hills with pinnacles of various shapes and sizes, can be viewed on limestone Setul Formation.
The northeast region of Langkawi, encompassing the three river basins of Kilim, Air Hangat and Kisap and the neighbouring islands of Langgun and Tanjung Dendang are spectacular in its beauty with the geological and landscape resources, the seas, the mudflats, beaches, the wetland mangrove and the unique fauna and flora that have long coexisted in these ecosystems.
The eagle and the cave system found in this area have also contributed to the myths and legends of the Island. The name 'Langkawi' is said to have been derived from the Brahminy Kite bird which is the most dominant faunal species in the area.
Gua Cerita or in English, Cave of Stories, which lies in the northern tip of the park, has many legends and beliefs associated with it - the giant bird Garuda, the epic fight between Rama and Rawana and Sang Gedembai - a humanlike giant female creature with a power to curse anything to turn into stone.

Selat Bagan Nyior

Gua Pasir Dagang


Monday, June 6, 2011
Kenapa Outdoor...??
Kenapa outdoor...?? Persoalan ini aku jawab dengan petikan dari Wikipedia... mungkin tafsiran aku tak sama dengan tafsiran orang lain... terpulanglah...
Outdoor recreation or outdoor activities are leisure pursuits engaged in outside, especially in (but not limited to) natural or semi-natural settings out of town. Outdoor recreation may also refer to a team sport game or practice held in an outdoor setting.
The two primary purposes for outdoor activities are beneficial use and pleasurable appreciation.
Beneficial use is related to the physical and social rewards which goal-directed activities instills in individuals or groups. Goal-directed outdoor activities are predominately physical, though they may also be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually rewarding. The outdoors as a physical or social setting may meet the needs of physical health, self-sufficiency, risk-taking, the building of social ties (including teambuilding), and the needs of achievement (such as practicing, enhancing and challenging skills, testing stamina and endurance, and seeking adventure or excitement). The outdoors can be an environment in which people "show what they can do".
Pleasurable appreciation encourages experiences of being "let in on natures show". Enhancement of inner perceptual and/or spiritual life may be experienced through outdoor activities and outdoor-related activities such as nature study, aesthetic contemplation, meditation, painting, photography, archeological or historical research, and indigenous culture among others. These activities may also be physically rewarding.
Many people in modern civilizations believe that the value of nature is found only in its "utilitarian value" (beneficial use). They would discount the inner perceptual and/or spiritual benefits of the "intrinsic value of nature" that may be experienced during pleasurable appreciation.
Outdoor activities may also be pursued for the purposes of finding peace in nature, enjoying life, and relaxing. They are alternatives to expensive forms of tourism. Outdoor activities are also frequently used as a medium in education and teambuilding.
Outdoor recreation activities have been defined as those activities that: |
- are undertaken outside the confines of buildings (ie, in the outdoors); and
- do not involve organized competition or formal rules; and
- can be undertaken without the existence of any built facility or infrastructure; and
- may require large areas of land, water and/or air; and
- may require outdoor areas of predominantly unmodified natural landscape

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